Lonely Castle In The Mirror is a mega hit fiction from Japan by Mizuki Tsujimura (translated by Philip Gabriel) and written with a young adult audience in mind. I tend to read literary fiction usually so put off reading this for a long time. While I was visiting my parents in Japan last Christmas, I noticed that it will be made into an anime film and saw the interview of the author on TV. It really motivated me to try her book for the very first time and I am glad that I did! I loved it so much!
辻村深月 さんの 「かがみの孤城」 を読み終えました。
It’s a fantasy novel about young students who find it hard to go to school. They are invited to spend some time in a miraculous castle inside the mirror.
The book reminded me of my school time. Unlike the characters in this novel, probably I enjoyed my school time however, the bitterness of young friendship and difficulty to make yourself understood by adults were well observed.
Anyone can be bullied. Anyone can feel isolated from the majority. Now I know what I wanted myself to be talked to at that time, but in the middle of hardships you just struggle so much.
The world changes very rapidly, lifestyle changes, but essentially human relationships and communication is always difficult especially for the young.
Thrilling ending was so gripping! And I really loved the very heart warming last scenes for every character.
I wished I could read this when I was a student myself. It could have become a very great companion.
Penguin UK (Translated by Philip Gabriel)