Can technology ever understand human emotion? Can a humanoid robot love you, and is it ethically sound for it to do so?
In all likelihood, these questions have been frequently asked in many tech articles over the past decade or so, however, Kazuo Ishiguro’s latest book offers another entry point for the reader to imagine a world full of humanoid robots, and how people might start interacting with them in situations of close social intimacy.
In the novel, the solar powered Artificial Friend Klara has been given a home to live in, providing companionship to a teenage girl, Josie. Klara starts her life with this real ‘ human’, trying hard to understand both the signals humans exchange and their complex communications that are not always entirely straightforward. She believes that she, even as an Artificial Friend, has emotions and the capacity to understand/learn human behaviour.
主人公のクララは太陽光で動く、AI搭載の「Artifical Friend(作中はAFと呼ばれます。人工親友?人造の友達?日本語訳はどうなっていたでしょうか。日本語訳未読なので、よかったらぜひご教示ください。)」です。ジョジ―という女の子の元で暮らすことが決まりました。クララは本物の「人間」と暮らす中で、人間たちが発する感情の微細なシグナルや、小難しいコミュニケーションのやり取りを学んでいきます。そして、AFではるクララ自身は、AFは人間の感情を理解する能力があると信じています。
Seen through Klara’s eyes, the world of the novel is unveiled gradually by way of fragmented information, the reader coming to notice and pick up on the finer details of this futuristic setting, as we did in Ishiguro’s other science-fiction themed book, ‘Never Let Me Go.’ Many of the ethical questions asked in ‘Never Let Me Go’ are re-told and re-presented here, amidst the rather more immediately imaginable, AI-advanced future depicted in ‘Klara and the Sun.’ I personally think it might have been more interesting if some of the elements about this fascinating setting were clarified just a little bit more in the text, however, perhaps Ishiguro wanted us, as readers, to imagine for ourselves and to fill in the gaps with our own opinions and ideas?
Honestly speaking, I felt some of the plot and characters were a bit too unrealistic. In particular, with some of the key human characters, it seemed rather hard to grasp their motives behind some of the important decisions made during the main plot (I’m trying to avoid spoilers here, so apologies for the ambiguity!) that really made me feel unsympathetic about how the story proceeded from that point onward.
That said, I loved the protagonist Klara so much. Her honesty and purity made for such a good contrast between the portrayal of robot emotions and human emotions; she was presented as a model companion for human beings who can, inevitably, be very greedy and untrustworthy from time to time.
The book was such a page-turner, and combined with its powerful, sentimental overtones, the afterglow left by the last chapter is classic Ishiguro at his best. Throughout, you are presented with so many unsuspecting ethical questions that you would love to discuss immediately with others; totally my kind of novel. In the end though, I have to say I enjoyed ‘Never Let Me Go’ and ‘The Remains of the Day’ more, both for what I felt was a more realistic portrayal of human emotion, and their beautifully structured detail that never for a moment gave me cause to doubt their clarity.