I have always wanted to start learning calligraphy, especially after my experience in Buly, when I purchased a bottle of fragrance in their shop in Paris. One of the staff elegantly wrote my name on the box – right there on the spot – in a very beautiful calligraphic style.
The opportunity came when the lockdown in London started in Spring 2020. Many calligraphy schools started offering their special kit to start learning calligraphy at home. As I prefer learning at my own pace, instead of the class style workshop, studying the basics myself sounded like a good idea. I selected the luxury looking set from ‘London Calligraphy’, and their beautifully personalised box soon arrived on my doorstep!

ロンドンでロックダウンが始まった2020年の春、カリグラフィーのスクールがスターターキットを発売するとのことで、チャレンジする機会に恵まれました。私は人から何かを習うことに苦手意識があるので、じっくりと自分のペースで自習するのは私に向いているかも、と思ったのです。ワークショップを開催していて、いつか参加しようと思っていた ‘London Calligraphy’ にて、豪華な見た目のセットを購入、わくわく待つこと約1週間。ステキなカリグラフィーで名前が書かれた、黒いボックスがお家に届きました。

The box contained all the essentials for a beginner, including a pen holder, nib, ink, exemplar, guidelines, and Rhodia pad. As a complete beginner who had never really touched even a ‘pen holder’ before, writing with the nib was such an interesting experience. Experimenting with different angles and speeds, watching lots of tutorial videos available online, I started slowly catching on to the pressure required and the movement of the arm needed.

I have not yet taken any official calligraphy lessons, however I am enjoying myself so much with this new hobby. To start, at long last, on my calligraphy journey with a box full of beautiful items really was such a good idea.