What if Romeo and Juliet lived to change their destiny? The Japanese playwright Hideki Noda OBE has created a whole new love story based on the famous Shakespeare couple by retelling the main plot as set in late 12th century Japan where Samurai fought during the rivalry between the Minamoto and Taira clans.
ロミオとジュリエットが、運命を変えられるとしたら?野田 秀樹さんの劇「A Night At The Kabuki」では、シェイクスピアのロミオとジュリエットの物語を、12世紀の日本、源平合戦の最中に置き換えます。
In this version the two lovers didn’t die together in a tomb. Instead, they challenge their destiny by visiting their younger selves as apparitions and strive to change their future.
The play was also inspired by Queen’s ‘A Night At The Opera’ and songs from the album were used throughout the play. This is why the play was named ‘A Night At The Kabuki’.
この劇は英ロックバンド「Queen」のアルバム「A Night At The Opera」の楽曲からインスピレーションを受けて創作され、またアルバムからの楽曲が舞台でも実際に使用されています。(だから劇のタイトルが「A Night At The Kabuki」となったのでしょう。)
The cast includes superstar Japanese talents Takako Matsu and Suzu Hirose as the older and younger Juliet, and Takaya Kamikawa and Jun Shison as the older and younger Romeo. If you follow current Japanese show-business even just a little bit, you will know how big all of them are in Japan.
The whole play was in Japanese and surtitled in English.
It was my first time watching a play created by Hideki Noda. I was amazed with the eccentric setting, fast-paced narrative and clever wordplay. The stage sets, costumes and some of the movements felt like they incorporated a little homage to kabuki. The meticulously planned staging of all the cast members including the ensemble was really dynamic and very unique; I felt I’d never seen something that PHYSICAL in terms of how you move and act in the theatre.
The later half of the show was focused on the imaginary future of Romeo and Juliet, if they had remained alive. Hideki Noda developed the pure young love story of Romeo and Juliet to make a darker, deeper philosophical point. ‘We’ll see each other again when the war ends,’ the couple keeps telling each other, but when the battle between the two clans – Minamoto and Taira – ends, Romeo is sent to Siberia to work in a labour camp. Starving and exhausted. Romeo keeps writing to Juliet but the letters never reach her. One war ends but war itself continues. The play comes to highlight the ultimate fragility of the human condition.
‘Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.’
Like they swear to each other, Romeo ultimately spends his life as an unknown warrior.
Even with this impactful and heavy central theme, the overall tone of the play was comedic and eccentric. There were lots of laughs and the songs by Queen contributed to ensure the big narrative set-pieces were both epic and memorable.
All in all, I really enjoyed the production and was really grateful that I could see this production live in London. However, I have a few points that I would like to discuss here.
I know Hideki Noda is popular for his use of creative wordplay and jokes, but in this instance I found some of them a little too unsettling. Especially because I have been living in London, I am aware of the importance of audience sensibility around some of the topics.
For example: the overly ‘foreign’ accent used by the monk character, the usage of the word ‘terrorist’ as a central point of wordplay, jokes about appearance (dwarf-like characters, being elderly), gay jokes, overly dramatic shooting actions, repetitive use of a guillotine for dramatic effect.
Especially because this play was created in conjunction with the songs by British band Queen, and was meant to be performed internationally, I felt a bit more awareness around the humour when taken out of the Japanese context might have helped.
I don’t believe in overly censoring artistic output, but I think it’s important to consider these issues when creating an international production. Now that I know Hideki Noda’s exceptional creativity, I feel he could have created something truly universal rather than relying largely on humour based on domestic tastes.
At the performance I attended, I would say over 80% of the audience members were Japanese (or accompanied by Japanese). Because of this, all the jokes got a warm response, but it made me wonder if this would have been the same if the audience wasn’t overwhelmingly Japanese.
Having said this, I really enjoyed the production, especially witnessing such wonderful talents in person. The amazing vocals and comedic acting from Takako Matsu and the very realistic portrayal of a pure but strong young Juliet by Suzu Hirose were definite highlights.
I think Hideki Noda’s production has a particularly unique aesthetic that stays with you and I am looking forward to seeing more of his works in the future.