Intermission Ambience
Intermission Ambience is run by me, Miki – I love reading books and visiting the theatre.
In this busy digital era, isn’t it lovely to find moments of happiness immersed in the magic of the moment, and sharing them with a wider audience? The essence of beauty in the little details and the sound of flipping pages are some of my all-time favourite moments in life.
The extended period at home during 2020-2021 reminded me of how much I enjoy time spent at the theatre, for musicals and ballet. I love that moment as the first act ends with a rush of excitement, the bustle of the audience and the hum of chatter from the people around me – I can’t wait for the next act to start! Similarly, it’s such a fantastic feeling, when reading a great story and forgetting utterly about the time that’s passed, creating a little intermission with a bookmark inside the pages. I named this project to mark these exciting moments in life.
家で過ごした2020年~2021年、何よりも恋しく感じたのは舞台を観に行くことでした。ミュージカルやバレエの1幕が終わり、興奮に包まれた客席のざわめきや、まわりのうきうきした小話に耳を傾けて、ああ次の幕が待ちきれない!そんな幕間の時間が好きです。また、ステキな本を時間を忘れて読んでしまった時、もうこんな時間と栞をはさんで小休憩とする、そんな瞬間。このプロジェクトは、そんな「幕間」のような時間を刻むために、「Intermission Ambience(幕間の雰囲気)」と名付けました。

Currently based in London, I grew up in Japan reading lots of books, writing diaries, essays and stories. I also enjoy travelling and photography.
I have a lifestyle blog called mikitravelgram as well as an Insatgram account for photography.
mikitravelgram という名前でブログとインスタグラムも運営しています。